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PHP HTML Mime Mail

PHP HTML Mime mail is a PHP5 lib which allows you to easily send email.

Features :

  • Can use To,Cc, Bcc and Reply-To recipients,
  • Can set Return-Path (for controlling where bounces are sent to),
  • Can set email priorities,
  • Can set any headers,
  • Can set any charset to be set for headers or email content,
  • Add attachments or embed images from files and strings,
  • Can use PHP mail() function, piping to MTA (Sendmail, Postfix, Exim etc.) or use SMTP (Support SMTP Authentication !),
  • Support Multipart email (HTML and plain text for clients that don’t support HTML),
  • Support all encoding : 7bit, 8bit, Base64 and Quoted-Printable,
  • Can return the resulting email instead of sending, to allow attaching of emails to other emails

In 2009, Richard Heyes rename the project and change the software license to a proprietary license. So I have forked from GPL’s sources and created the PHPHTMLMimeMail project.

To know more and downloads : PHP HTML Mime Mail web site

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