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Undernet Channel Service Management for eggdrop


UndernetCS is an Tcl script for eggdrop.

This script mostly manage authentication to X (UnderNet Channel Service).


  • Eggdrop 1.6.x
  • inidb.tcl
  • Tcl 8.0 or higher.


  • Multi-channels support: Each channel’s owner can add, remove, active, unactive its channel.
  • Global owner(s) can set eggdrop’s username and password for Channel Service and delay which the eggdrop verifies authentication status.
  • Script manages SUSPEND reply. In this case the eggdrop verifies each ‘y’ min if the access for the channel is already suspended. This feature prevents the eggdrop from using too many bandwidth, and flooding X. Each channel owner can set ‘y’ to what he wants.
  • Script manage AUTOMODE value, this prevents the eggdrop from sending ‘OP’ request to X while it isn’t necessary.
  • Optimizing for all messages which are sent to X and fixing more priority to ‘LOGIN’ and ‘OP’ messages, lesser to ‘DEOP’, ‘BAN’, ‘UNBAN’, ‘CLEARMODE’, ‘KICK’ and ‘INVITE’. Other messages are sent in the puthelp queue.This feature uses the different eggdrop’s queues and the -next option of queues.
  • Verifies before sending a command to X, that eggdrop have a sufficient access level to perform this command. (ie. OP command needs access level 100 min)
  • All Need-* are managed by the script, need-invite, key, unban, limit are revolved by sending an invite request to X. need-op by op request.
  • Managing RAW 401 reply, no such nick/channel and uses it to know if a request to X was lost.
  • The script prohibits the use of the command .msg to X.for security reason.
  • When eggdrop is deopped by a user who is not a global master, eggdrop sends a request to X for OP him and DEOP the aggressor. If this user is unknown, the eggdrop adds a BAN level 25 to X’s banlist.


You can meet me on Undernet in #IRCPaladin.




Ce script Tcl pour eggdrop permet une gestion avancé de l’authentification au Channel Service d’Undernet.


  • Eggdrop 1.6.x
  • inidb.tcl
  • Tcl 8.0 ou plus récent.

Fonctionnalités: (pas encore traduit…)

  • Multi-channels support: Each channel’s owner can add, remove, active, unactive its channel.
  • Global owner(s) can set eggdrop’s username and password for Channel Service and delay which the eggdrop verifies authentication status.
  • Script manages SUSPEND reply. In this case the eggdrop verifies each ‘y’ min if the access for the channel is already suspended. This feature prevents the eggdrop from using too many bandwidth, and flooding X. Each channel owner can set ‘y’ to what he wants.
  • Script manage AUTOMODE value, this prevents the eggdrop from sending ‘OP’ request to X while it isn’t necessary.
  • Optimising for all messages which are sent to X and fixing more priority to ‘LOGIN’ and ‘OP’ messages, lesser to ‘DEOP’, ‘BAN’, ‘UNBAN’, ‘CLEARMODE’, ‘KICK’ and ‘INVITE’. Other messages are sent in the puthelp queue.This feature uses the differents eggdrop’s queues and the -next option of queues.
  • Verifies before sending a command to X, that eggdrop have a sufficient access level to perform this command. (ie. OP command needs access level 100 min)
  • All Need-* are managed by the script, need-invite, key, unban, limit are revolved by sending an invite request to X. need-op by op request.
  • Managing RAW 401 reply, no such nick/channel and uses it to know if a request to X was lost.
  • The script prohibits the use of the command .msg to X.for security reason.
  • When eggdrop is deopped by a user who is not a global master, eggdrop sends a request to X for OP him and DEOP the agressor. If this user is unknown, the eggdrop adds a BAN level 25 to X’s banlist.


Vous pouvez me rencontrer sur Undernet / #IRCPaladin.



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